Milestone Inspections Structural Integrity Reserve Studies
Milestone Structural Inspections in Florida
Are you seeking peace of mind for your property's safety in Florida? Our team of experts specializes in milestone structural inspections. With our thorough assessments and professional insights, we ensure that your property meets the highest standards of safety and compliance. Trust us to safeguard your investment.
The Importance of Milestone Structural Inspections for Condos
Condos require meticulous structural inspections to ensure the safety and longevity of the building. Our experts specialize in milestone assessments tailored for condo complexes, addressing critical structural aspects like foundation integrity, load-bearing walls, and overall stability. Don't compromise on safety; schedule your condo inspection today.
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Florida Senate Bills 4D and 154
In the early hours of June 24, 2021, Champlain Towers South, a 12-story residential beachfront condominium building in Surfside, Florida, a Miami suburb, partially collapsed, causing the deaths of 98 people. The property had a basement-level parking garage under the swimming pool deck. Unchecked water infiltration in these areas caused significant concrete damage and corrosion of reinforcing steel; as a result, long-term degradation of the structural supports was the major contributing factor to the collapse. Other reported possible factors included land subsidence, insufficient reinforcing steel, and corruption during construction. These problems had been reported in previous years, as the deteriorating conditions were getting worse at an accelerated pace in the months preceding the collapse. A $15 million program of remedial work was approved before the collapse, but the main structural work had not started. This is the Ugly truth!
Following that deadly collapse, the State of Florida tightened its resolve and commitment to ensure the safety of occupants at aging condominium and cooperative buildings. As a result, the Florida legislature drafted Senate bills SB 4-D and SB-154 that became law in June 2023, requiring Structural Integrity Reserve Studies (SIRS) and Milestone Inspections. That is Good news!
The Milestone Inspection is an assessment by licensed architects and engineers, focusing on the integrity of the building foundation and structural components, to determine if the building is safe for continued use and occupancy. The Milestone Inspection is comprised of two phases. Phase One consists of a visual assessment, to identify deficiencies that require repair, and, most importantly, significant structural failures that could potentially compromise the integrity of the structural components within the building. If significant failures are suspected, then a Phase Two assessment is recommended. Phase Two includes a comprehensive in-depth assessment to determine the extent of the failures and provide recommendations for proper remediation.
The SIRS is a non-invasive visual evaluation of the physical condition, and long-term reserve fiscal planning of a Condominium or Cooperative’s common elements within the building. Before May 2022, not only were reserve studies voluntary and did not necessarily require professional input, but they also only focused on four essential components: roofing, painting, paving, and anything over $10,000. With the advent of SIRS, eight primary components must be considered, including roof, structural systems, fireproofing & fire safety, exterior painting & waterproofing, plumbing, electrical systems, windows & exterior doors, and other elements over $10,000 that have an impact on the structural integrity of the building.
Now the Bad news. The ever-evolving rules and requirements of these mandated inspections and what properties are impacted based on their size, age, and location can be very confusing. For example, currently, buildings that are 30 years or older (Certificate of Occupancy issued before July 1992), are required to complete a milestone inspection by December 31, 2024. However, certain Florida jurisdictions, including Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Highland Beach, and the city of Boca Raton, had pre-established 40-year inspections, and every 10 years thereafter. With the introduction of the milestone inspection legislation, buildings in these areas are now required to undergo building safety inspections sooner than originally anticipated.
Regarding properties near the coastline, the requirements have been changed. The bill has removed the previous provisions for buildings within three miles of the coastline and replaced them with new criteria. The local enforcement agency may now determine that local circumstances, including environmental conditions such as proximity to salt water as defined in §379.101, Fla. Stat., require milestone inspections to occur by December 31st of the year the building reaches 25 years of age based on the certificate of occupancy date, with subsequent inspections every 10 years thereafter.
We all understand that the legislation surrounding milestone inspections will continue to evolve, and that can be frustrating, and to some, concerning. As this legislation changes and expands going forward, it is essential for building owners, associations, and property managers to stay informed about the changing landscape of SIRS and Milestone inspections. Our capable team at BASE Consultants Group is available to assist you with any questions or concerns.
BASE Consultants Group has a full-service team of licensed professionals that will help guide you through the new Florida SIRS and Milestone inspection processes. The new law requires you to complete the state mandated Phase One Milestone Inspection.
You only have limited time to get the required Phase One Milestone inspection completed to bring your property into compliance, but the process takes time. We are here to make it as smooth, efficient, and easy as possible.
The Milestone Inspection is an assessment by licensed architects and engineers, focusing on the integrity of the building foundation and structural components, to determine if the building is safe for continued use and occupancy.
Currently, buildings that are 30 years or older (Certificate of Occupancy issued before July 1992), are required to complete a Milestone Inspection by December 31, 2024. However, certain Florida jurisdictions, including Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Highland Beach, and the City of Boca Raton, had pre-established 40-year inspections, and every 10 years thereafter. With the introduction of the Milestone Inspection legislation, buildings in these areas are now required to undergo building safety inspections sooner than originally anticipated.
Regarding properties near the coastline, it is important to note that the requirements have been changed. The bill has removed the previous provisions for buildings within three miles of the coastline and replaced them with new criteria. The local enforcement agency may now determine that local circumstances, including environmental conditions such as proximity to salt water as defined in §379.101, Fla. Stat., require milestone inspections to occur by December 31st of the year the building reaches 25 years of age based on the certificate of occupancy date, with subsequent inspections every 10 years thereafter.
The Milestone Inspection is comprised of two phases.
Phase One Milestone Inspection: A Phase One Milestone Inspection consists of a visual assessment to identify deficiencies that require repair, and most importantly: significant structural failures that could potentially compromise the integrity of the building’s structural components.
The following are typical components inspected during a Phase One Milestone Inspection:
o Foundationo Load-bearing wallso Floorso Roofo Stairs and railingso Elevators and other mechanical systemso Exterior walls and balconieso Utilitieso Other structural components deemed necessary by the engineer/architect If significant failures are suspected, then a Phase Two assessment is recommended. Phase Two Milestone Inspection:
A Phase Two Milestone Inspection includes a comprehensive in-depth assessment to determine the extent of the failures identified during the Phase One Milestone Inspection and provide recommendations for proper remediation. Typically, the same licensed professional will conduct the Phase Two Milesone inspection which will include a more in-depth thorough examination of the affected areas within the subject structure. The Phase Two Milestone Inspection may involve a combination of non-invasive thermal infrared and ultrasound testing, as well as limited destructive testing, if necessary, including coring, drilling, or removal of cladding and other materials in order to access and observe the underlying components of the structure.
Phase One Milestone Inspection: A Phase One Milestone Inspection consists of a visual assessment to identify deficiencies that require repair, and most importantly: significant structural failures that could potentially compromise the integrity of the building’s structural components.
The following are typical components inspected during a Phase One Milestone Inspection:
o Foundationo Load-bearing wallso Floorso Roofo Stairs and railingso Elevators and other mechanical systemso Exterior walls and balconieso Utilitieso Other structural components deemed necessary by the engineer/architect If significant failures are suspected, then a Phase Two assessment is recommended. Phase Two Milestone Inspection:
A Phase Two Milestone Inspection includes a comprehensive in-depth assessment to determine the extent of the failures identified during the Phase One Milestone Inspection and provide recommendations for proper remediation. Typically, the same licensed professional will conduct the Phase Two Milesone inspection which will include a more in-depth thorough examination of the affected areas within the subject structure. The Phase Two Milestone Inspection may involve a combination of non-invasive thermal infrared and ultrasound testing, as well as limited destructive testing, if necessary, including coring, drilling, or removal of cladding and other materials in order to access and observe the underlying components of the structure.
A Reserve Study is a budget-planning tool for condominium associations that provides an in-depth investment strategy on how to allocate funds for future repairs. A Reserve Study consists of two parts: the Physical Analysis and the Financial Analysis. The Physical Analysis contains the information about the current condition and repair or replacement cost of the major common area components the association is obligated to maintain. The Financial Analysis contains an evaluation of the association's Reserve balance and a recommended Funding Plan to offset the anticipated Reserve expenses.
The report includes which common area components need to be replaced or repaired, when to replace them, an estimate of how much the replacement will cost, and how much annual funding to set aside each year, typically for 30 years.
BASE Consultants Group provides two levels of Reserve Studies: Level I - Full Reserve Study: This is the most comprehensive reserve study that should be updated every 3-5 years. A Level I - Full Reserve Study requires a complete site inspection. The provided service includes: o Condition assessment and inventory of common area components (pictures may be taken)o Useful remaining life and valuation estimateso Review current fund status and provide a funding plan and schedule for repairs
Level II - Reserve Study Update: This reserve study is a limited reinspection consisting of a site visit and off-site review. The provided services include: o Reevaluation of the common area component condition, and update inventoryo Useful remaining life and cost of replacemento Any changes or repairs made to the property will be recorded o Review current fund status and update funding plan and schedule for repairs
The report includes which common area components need to be replaced or repaired, when to replace them, an estimate of how much the replacement will cost, and how much annual funding to set aside each year, typically for 30 years.
BASE Consultants Group provides two levels of Reserve Studies: Level I - Full Reserve Study: This is the most comprehensive reserve study that should be updated every 3-5 years. A Level I - Full Reserve Study requires a complete site inspection. The provided service includes: o Condition assessment and inventory of common area components (pictures may be taken)o Useful remaining life and valuation estimateso Review current fund status and provide a funding plan and schedule for repairs
Level II - Reserve Study Update: This reserve study is a limited reinspection consisting of a site visit and off-site review. The provided services include: o Reevaluation of the common area component condition, and update inventoryo Useful remaining life and cost of replacemento Any changes or repairs made to the property will be recorded o Review current fund status and update funding plan and schedule for repairs
In addition to Milestone Inspections that are mandated by the State of Florida, a Structural Integrity Reserve Study (SIRS) must be performed by a qualified engineer or architect. The SIRS is a non-invasive visual evaluation of the physical condition, and long-term reserve fiscal planning of a Condominium or Cooperative’s common elements within the building.
Before May 2022, not only were reserve studies voluntary and did not necessarily require professional input, but they also only focused on four essential components: roofing, painting, paving, and anything over $10,000. With the advent of SIRS, eight primary components must be considered. They include the following:
o Roofo Structural Systemso Fireproofing & Fire Safetyo Exterior Painting & Waterproofingo Plumbing Systemso Electrical Systemso Windows & Exterior Doorso Other elements over $10,000 that have an impact on the structural integrity of the building
SIRS provided by BASE Consultants Group forecast and calculate expenditures looking forward to at least 12 years.
• Repair and replacement costs for immediate and long-term allocated asset life
• ASTM protocol• Third-party desk reviews
ROOF AND PAVEMENT INVESTIGATION• Visual and infrared surveying• Visual drainage and grading assessment• Coring and testing
PRE-CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT• Budget and document review• Compliance with permits and document analysis
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS MONITORING• Quality timely completion inspections and construction monitoring• Conformance to contract documents• Payment application and change order review
FORENSIC ENGINEERING• Structural steel, concrete and wood• Cladding and roofing• Drainage• Retaining walls
ARCHITECTURAL / ENGINEERING• Project design and development• Space planning and forecasting
ADA COMPLIANCE• Costs estimates of compliance• Visual compliance audits and surveying
INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE• Asbestos surveys
• Lead based paint testing
• Lead in drinking water testing• Radon testing
• Mold testing
ENVIRONMENTAL DUE DILIGENCE• Phase I site assessments• Phase II site assessments• ASTM Protocol• Third-party desk reviews
BASE began in the fall of 1993, when Anthony Zogheib relocated back to the country of Lebanon, where he grew up, to assist in the redevelopment of the country after it was devastated during a 20-year civil war. BASE Engineering was created. It provided architectural design and consulting services to the private sector, and architectural services for the historic preservation, design and development of projects commissioned by the Ministry of Tourism.
After spending four years overseas, Mr. Zogheib returned to the United States, settling in the Chicago suburbs, and in June 1999, established BASE Consultants, an engineering and environmental consulting firm. BASE Consultants operations focused primarily on facilities due diligence services, including property condition and environmental site assessments, and construction progress monitoring.
With over 30 years of excellence, BASE Consultants Group vision and guiding principles are rooted in integrity, caring leadership, quality, and client satisfaction. These guiding principles ensure that every BASE Consultants decision reflects the value of the corporate culture and carries forward the legacy of our vision. Supporting these principles is a foundation of teamwork, trust, creativity, pride, and dedication.
BASE Consultants Group is based in Naples, Florida, with domestic affiliated offices in Texas and Illinois, and internationally in Lebanon and United Arab Emirates. The company’s success has been fueled by a dedication to excellence and exceeding the expectations of our clients in engineering and environmental disciplines on projects varied in scope. Surpassing expectations has become a BASE Consultants tradition. Although, today, BASE Consultants Group operates on a national and international basis, the core of the company’s business, however, has never deviated from our original vision of personalized service with a single point of contact. BASE Consultants Group combines a strong work ethic with an uncompromising drive for quality in every aspect of client service.
Meet the Team
BASE Consultants Group basic formula for success is the selection of our professional talent. BASE Consultants Group has pursued an aggressive plan of associating ourselves with the finest talent available in its areas of operation. It is the technical and managerial leadership that has kept BASE Consultants Group at the forefront of the engineering and environmental business.
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